This Faster Payments APP Scams Compliance Data Reporting Standard (CDRS) contains the Faster Payments APP scams data and information that directed PSPs are required to collate and retain for the payment system operator (PSO) of Faster Payments, Pay.UK, for it to effectively monitor compliance with the FPS reimbursement rules. 

It also sets out the data and information that PSPs must report to  Pay.UK in two different reporting scenarios:

  • Reporting standard A (under which the data must be reported by the sending PSP in respect of transactions they have sent)
  • Reporting standard B (all directed PSPs) 

The CDRS should be read alongside: 

  • Specific Direction 20 which requires PSPs to collate, retain and provide data to Pay.UK so that it can monitor compliance with the FPS reimbursement rules. It also requires PSPs to comply with the collation, retention and provision requirements set out in this document; i.e.,  compliance with the CDRS is required for compliance with Specific Direction 20.
  • Specific Direction 19 on Pay.UK which obliges Pay.UK to create and maintain a Faster Payments APP scams compliance monitoring regime and sets out what the Faster Payments PSO can do with the information and data gathered.
  • Specific Requirement 1 on Pay.UK which contains elements of the FPS reimbursement requirement and relevant Pay.UK documentation, including the FPS reimbursement rules and FPS rules.

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