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The second EU Payment Services Directive (PSD2) is required to be in place in the UK by 13 January 2…
This paper sets out how fees for the financial year 2017/18 will be allocated for our functions unde…
These draft Terms of Reference explain how we intend to consider the potential for payment system op…
We are consulting on our proposed approach to the allocation, calculation and collection of PSR regu…
This document sets out our draft Financial Penalty Scheme and explains how we propose to use the mon…
We are consulting on our proposed approach for using the money we retain from penalty receipts in re…
This guidance sets out the general approach and process that the PSR is proposing to follow when con…
The PSR has powers under section 56 of the Financial Services (Banking Reform) Act 2013 (FSBRA) to g…
In March 2016 we published guidance on the first parts of the IFR that were in force by December 201…