APP scams reimbursement policy

Open consultations

July 2024

Key resources

  • June 2023 policy statement - setting out our policy position on the reimbursement requirement for APP scams.
  • December 2023 policy statement - adding to/finalising points in the June policy statement, not superseding it. On this page you'll also find responses to 2023 reimbursement requirement consultations.
  • July 2024 policy statement - PS24/3 FPS APP scams reimbursement compliance and monitoring - confirming for all PSPs in scope of our reimbursement requirement policy to report data and information to Pay.UK, so that it can effectively monitor and manage compliance with the FPS reimbursement rules.
  • Specific Direction 19 - directing Pay.UK to create and propose to us their plans for an effective compliance monitoring regime for APP scams reimbursement.
  • Specific Direction 20 - containing the APP scams reimbursement requirement and directing in scope PSPs to comply with the reimbursement rules. On this page you'll also find an indirect access provider (IAP) reporting template.
  • Specific Requirement 1 - requiring Pay.UK to create the APP scams reimbursement rules. On this page you'll also find the consumer standard of caution exception, the consumer standard of caution exception guidance, and maximum excess/maximum level of reimbursement notices of value.
  • Roadmap to implementation - setting out steps firms should be taking as we approach implementation, how they can get in touch to request clarity on our policy statement and legal instruments, and our upcoming implementation consultations.
  • Policy clarifications - firms can write to us at, requesting clarity on the policy statements and legal instruments. We are uploading the questions received and our responses on this page.
  • Keynote speech by Ben Woodside, PSR Policy Manager, at the Payment Services & Financial Crime Compliance Forum 2024 - on industry readiness ahead of the implementation of our reimbursement requirement.
  • Faster Payments Scheme participants - This is a list of payment service providers (PSPs) that participate in the Faster Payments Scheme (FPS), and therefore may fall in scope of our Specific Direction 20 (SD20).
  • Our letter to FPS participants - This is a letter to FPS participants in the lead up to the reimbursement requirement going live on 7 October 2024. It highlights three key areas for firms to focus their implementation activities over the coming months to ensure effective and timely implementation.

Pay.UK resources

  • The PSR has directed Pay.UK to implement the reimbursement rules on Faster Payments. PSPs can visit Pay.UK’s website for further information on their plans and engagement in the lead up to implementation.

Past consultations on reimbursement

May 2024

  • Consultation on CHAPS APP scam reimbursement requirement - setting out our proposals to direct banks and other payment firms participating in CHAPS to reimburse their customers who have been victims of APP scams. The PSR’s direction will underpin the Bank of England’s new CHAPS reimbursement rules.

April 2024

  • We published the consultation on a compliance and monitoring regime. It sets out our proposals for all PSPs in-scope of our reimbursement policy to report data and information to Pay.UK, so that it can effectively monitor and manage compliance with the reimbursement rules.

September 2023

August 2023

July 2023

  • We published our consultation on two of our draft directions, which are the legal means to put our new APP scams reimbursement requirement in place.

September 2022

November 2021

  • We consulted on a package of proposals to tackle APP scams, including publication of fraud data by banks and improving intelligence sharing to enhance scam detection and prevention. HMT also announced that legislative changes would be made by Government to allow us to require banks to provide mandatory reimbursement to victims.

APP scams performance data

Key resources

Past consultations on APP scams performance data

May 2024

September 2023

August 2023

February 2023

  • We launched a consultation seeking views on guidance for PSPs who will have to publish data on their performance on APP scams.

December 2022

  • We launched a consultation seeking views on the way data showing how well firms are protecting customers against APP scams will be collected and published.

November 2021