In March 2023, we began collecting and publishing data on authorised push payment (APP) scams as part of our broader efforts to tackle fraud. We published annual data in October 2023 and August 2024.
In October 2024, we introduced our new reimbursement policy that ensures victims of APP scams are reimbursed in all but exceptional cases.
Given the introduction of the reimbursement requirement, we are proposing to publish two reports for 2024, as data before and after the policy went live cannot be directly compared.
As our reimbursement policy becomes fully embedded, we have also taken the opportunity to review how we can continue to shine a light on APP scams. We are planning to carry out a call for views in spring 2025, where we will engage with stakeholders to ensure that our future reporting aligns with consumer needs, regulatory requirements, and our commitment to transparency.
This document outlines our approach to publishing APP scams data for 2024 and includes our considerations for future reporting.