In 2023, we published policy statements PS23/3 Fighting authorised push payment fraud: a new reimbursement requirement and PS23/4 Fighting authorised push payment scams: final decision. These policy statements set the detailed parameters for the Faster Payments Scheme (FPS) authorised push payment (APP) scams reimbursement requirement. We also published three legal instruments which give effect to the policy.

The start date for the reimbursement policy is 7 October 2024. It is crucial that PSPs continue the work already underway to prepare and ensure they are ready to implement the requirements. 

What are we now publishing?

After a series of engagement sessions with PSPs and industry we are aware of the practical challenges industry face in distinguishing between APP scams and civil disputes. We developed some draft guidance and consulted on this over the summer. We are now publishing our policy statement and final version of the guidance, which can be found below, to help support PSPs in making this assessment. 

Who should read these documents?

These documents are relevant to the payments industry, consumer groups, payment service providers, and prospective qualifying customers who use Authorised Push Payments to send money and will be within scope of the policy, once implemented. 

Supplementary Files

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