This is our latest guidance for the third reporting cycle for our APP fraud performance data requirements.
What does this document contain and why are we publishing it?
This document sets out finalised reporting guidance for the second reporting cycle. It aims to help PSPs provide us with the correct data and any additional information that we may need.
This is to ensure that PSPs provide us with high quality information that is relevant and accurate, and that PSPs are consistent in the reporting of the data – both between PSPs and across the reporting periods.
Who should read this document?
The majority of this guidance is for PSPs who are required to report and publish APP scams data, under Specific Direction 18.
This document also provides general guidance to receiving PSPs, including sponsors, regarding the process that we want them to follow, relating to the collection and publication of performance data about APP scam funds received.
Supplementary Files
PSR APP Scams M1 Cycle 3 Data Collection Template for Sending PSPs
xlsx | 1.3 MB
PSR APP Scams M1 Cycle 3 Data Disaggregation Template for Sponsors and IAPs
xlsx | 198.5 KB
PSR APP Scams M1 Cycle 3 Data Fields Template for Sending PSPs to send info to Receiving PSPs
xlsx | 66 KB
PSR APP Scams M1 Cycle 3 Sortcode Level Breakdown Template for transactions sent to Sponsor PSPs
xlsx | 12.4 MB