Earlier this year, we consulted on our proposals to revise Specific Directions 14, 15 and 16 which were the remedies introduced as a result of our card acquiring market review (CAMR).

We issued these Directions in 2022 to the 14 most significant providers of card-acquiring services to improve services and choice for businesses receiving card payments.

Issuing these directions was a crucial step in giving greater transparency to businesses in what can be a difficult area to compare prices and switch services. As a result of these directions, businesses are now able to find more competitive deals and prevent them from being tied into lengthy contracts for their card readers. 

Following consultation, in this policy statement, we set out our decision to update the list of directed firms and to introduce a new streamlined method of making changes going forward. 

We also consulted on whether to add Checkout Ltd to the list, but based on feedback received, we have decided not to direct Checkout Ltd at this time. We will keep the list of directed firms under review. 

Stakeholder responses to our consultation can be found further down on this page. 

Supplementary Files

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