These are the responses we received to our interim report on the supply of indirect access to payment systems.
We received a total of 27 responses, including those from trade bodies that represent a combined total of over 540 payment service providers or PSPs.
Most respondents supported, or broadly supported, both our findings and our proposed approach for monitoring market developments to address the concerns we identified.
You can read our final market review on the supply of indirect access to payment systems here.
PSR MR15/1.3 - Final report: market review into the supply of indirect access to payment systems
We have published the final findings for our market review into the supply of indirect access to payment systems. -
PSR CP 16/4: Draft guidance on our approach to handling applications under sections 56 and 57 FSBRA
This guidance sets out the general approach and process that the PSR is proposing to follow when considering applications to grant new access to certain regulated payment systems (sect… -
PSR MR15/1.2 - Interim report: market review into the supply of indirect access to payment systems
We have published the interim findings and proposed next steps for our market review into the supply of indirect access to payment systems.