APP scams and accidentally misdirected payments can cause significant harm to consumers. Confirmation of Payee (CoP) is a service that helps prevent certain types of scams and misdirected payments from happening by checking the name of a payee’s account matches the details provided by the payer.
We want everyone to have the same levels of protection and confidence when making payments.
Why we are publishing this document
Payments need to be safe and secure for all consumers, including for those that are vulnerable. For this reason, we have consistently considered the widespread adoption of CoP in UK payments to be a key priority. That is why we directed the UK’s six largest banking groups to introduce CoP over FPS and CHAPS transactions in 2020. There are now more than one million CoP requests every day.
What this document contains
This publication sets out the next steps for the wider implementation of CoP including the next steps through Phase 2.
We also set out a draft direction to ensure the migration to the Phase 2 environment is completed in a timely and coordinated manner by April 2022.
Who should read this document
This document is relevant to the payments industry, consumer groups and PSPs, particularly those already involved in our work on APP scams.
What happens next
We will consider all responses to this consultation in deciding on next steps. If we decide to proceed with giving the proposed direction, we plan to do so by early February 2022.
You can submit any comments by 5pm on 17 December 2021.
You can email us at or write to us at:
Confirmation of Payee Consultation
Payment Systems Regulator
12 Endeavour Square
E20 1JN