Dan Moore, Head of Strategy, Analysis and Engagement

Welcome from Dan Moore, Head of Strategy, Analysis and Engagement

Our role is a broad but important one in helping the PSR deliver its important work. We lead on the PSR Strategy and focus on making sure it's clear why the PSR is doing the work it's doing (and what might come next), that it has the data, information and economic analysis to support effective decision making, and that it communicates and engages well with all of its large and varied audiences.

Our teams

Strategy, Analysis and Engagement focusses on the following three areas.


We lead on and develop the PSR's Strategy and assess how the PSR is progressing against the Strategy's outcomes.

We help shape the organisation's future programme of work, conducting horizon- scanning to identify emerging risks and opportunities - and undertake initial 'pipeline' assessments of new issues. This includes seeking input from industry, other regulators and international stakeholders to ensure we capture relevant external developments and perspectives. We conduct early-stage policy analyses and develop the PSR's 'best response' to key emerging issues - and we lead on cross-cutting regulatory policy and other issues impacting the PSR's objectives. We help to ensure that the PSR's work is focussed on the most relevant and impactful issues.


We make sure that economics and data analysis are at the centre of decisions made by the PSR. We champion the team of economists across the PSR who help ensure our analysis is proportionate and appropriate. We lead on the PSR's frameworks for CBA and QA and support the whole PSR in its use of data and analysis. We champion good practice in embedding economic analysis within the policy development lifecycle, and support project teams in developing appraisal and evaluation evidence.

Communications and engagement

We work closely with the whole organisation to drive and support the PSR's agenda with stakeholders so that we communicate and engage with them in the right way.

We manage the PSR's internal and external communications and engagement, own the central communications and engagement strategy and day to day communications planning, and are responsible for the channels we use to communicate and the content we create to tell the PSR's story.