We have carried out a significant amount of work to prevent APP scams since 2016. A history of this work can be found below.



Our reimbursement requirements came into force on 7 October 2024.

We published our full policy statement confirming the maximum level of reimbursement.


We published final guidance supporting firms with distinguishing between APP scams and civil disputes. 

We published the outcome of our pre-implementation review of high value APP scams claims.


We published our latest APP scams performance report for 2023

We published information around consumer communications for PSPs on our reimbursement requirement. This aims to facilitate compliance with our Specific Direction 20 (SD20), which requires sending PSPs to inform existing consumers of their rights under the reimbursement requirement and rules.


We published a consultation on draft guidance supporting the identification of APP scams and civil disputes.

We published a policy statement confirming the requirements for firms to report data and information to Pay.UK, so that it can effectively monitor and manage compliance with the FPS reimbursement rules. We also provided a Faster Payments APP Scams Compliance Data Reporting Standard (CDRS) document to be read in conjunction with this policy statement.

We published a policy statement and finalised guidance for cycle 2 of our APP scams data publication. 


We published a letter to participants in the lead up to the APP scams reimbursement requirement going live on 7 October 2024. 

We published a list of PSPs that may fall in scope of our Specific Direction 20. This list will be updated as necessary to reflect any changes.

We published a consultation on proposals to direct banks and other payment firms participating in CHAPS to reimburse their customers who have been victims of APP scams.

We published a consultation on draft guidance for cycle 2 of our APP scams data publication.


We have required Pay.UK as the payment system operator to effectively monitor PSP compliance with the Faster Payments rules. To do this, Pay.UK will need to collect data and information from in-scope PSPs. We are consulting on the data and information directed PSPs must make available to Pay.UK . The PSR will also be supporting Pay.UK in carrying out this compliance monitoring and management role.  



We set out the final detailed parameters of our reimbursement requirement, as well as the legal instruments we are using to implement the policy. We also confirmed the policy start date of 7 October 2024. 

We published finalised cycle 2 APP fraud data reporting guidance for PSPs. 


We published our first APP scams performance data report showing how well payment firms treat victims of APP scams. 


We published a consultation on the proposed specific direction that will underpin the Faster Payments reimbursement rules. 

We published a consultation on timings and reporting periods for cycle 2 of APP fraud performance data. 


We published a consultation on revised reporting guidance for cycle 2 of APP fraud performance data. 

We published two consultations - one on the maximum level of APP fraud reimbursement and claim excess, and the other on the consumer standard of caution. 


We published our consultation on two of our draft directions, which are the legal means to put our new APP fraud reimbursement requirements in place. 


We confirmed new requirements for banks and payment companies that will ensure more people than ever before will get their money back if they are a victim of APP fraud; prompting more action to prevent these frauds from happening in the first place.


We directed 14 of the largest UK PSP groups to collect and provide us with data on their APP scam performance, which will, for the first time, show how well payment firms are handling APP scams. 


We launched a consultation seeking views on guidance for PSPs who will have to publish data on their performance on  APP scams. This will be a requirement of the specific direction that we plan to publish in March 2023.  



We launched a consultation seeking views on the way data showing how well firms are protecting customers against APP scams will be collected and published. 


We directed around 400 more financial firms to provide CoP. This will see nearly all transactions made via Faster Payments (FPS) and CHAPS covered by CoP by October 2024.  


We made clear that we're going further in fighting APP fraud, by setting out specific proposals around mandatory reimbursement for victims. 


We announced our plans that will see around 400 more financial firms provide Confirmation of Payee (CoP). We also varied SD11 (SD11a), which will require Pay.UK to ensure the closure of the Phase 1 technical environment by 30 June 2022 rather than 31 May 2022. 


We confirmed and published a new rule to ensure that the technical and system requirements for the second phase of Confirmation of Payee will be implemented by 31st May 2022. We did this by issuing Specific Direction 11 (SD11).



We outlined our proposal to ease the transition into the second phase of Confirmation of Payee. 


We consulted on a package of proposals to tackle APP scams, including publication of fraud data by banks and improving intelligence sharing to enhance scam detection and prevention. HMT also announced that legislative changes would be made by Government to allow us to require banks to provide mandatory reimbursement to victims. 


Following our call for views, we outlined our next steps to achieve wider implementation of Confirmation of Payee (CoP). These proposed plans required the transition of CoP to a single technical environment, aiming to extend the benefits of CoP to other account types, i.e. ones that do not use unique sort codes and account numbers, but instead use secondary reference data (for example, building societies using roll numbers).

We also provided an update on our APP scams work. 


We published a call for views on the second phase of delivering Confirmation of Payee, to allow more banks and building societies to offer the vital service. 


We published a call for views looking at measures to further prevent APP scams and protect customers who do fall victim.


We published a further thought piece from our Head of Policy, Genevieve Marjoribanks, looking at APP scams and the protections available in interbank payments.



We published a thought piece from our Head of Policy, Genevieve Marjoribanks, looking at getting the right outcomes for victims of APP scams.

1 July

We confirmed widespread coverage of Confirmation of Payee across the directed parties under Specific Direction 10.

30 June

This date marked the end of the forbearance period for implementation of Confirmation of Payee.

31 March

This date marked the deadline under Specific Direction 10 by which directed PSPs must be able to send and receive CoP requests.

30 March

We held a roundtable with representatives of the payments industry to discuss the progress being made on tackling APP scams and the next steps needed to improve outcomes.

20 March

In light of COVID-19, we announced forbearance under Specific Direction 10,
allowing directed PSPs to delay implementation of CoP up to 30 June, as long as they continued to take appropriate steps to implement and ensured victims of APP scams were not disadvantaged by any delay. 


We published the response to our January 2020 consultation and the varied Specific Direction 10.


We consulted on our proposal to vary Specific Direction 10 to include an additional clause to allow for exemption applications other than in ‘exceptional circumstances’, as described in the original direction.


31 December

This date marked the deadline under Specific Direction 10 by which directed PSPs must respond to CoP requests.


We issued Specific Direction 10, directing members of the UK’s six largest banking groups to fully implement Confirmation of Payee by 31 March 2020.

28 May 

We welcomed the CRM Code coming into force with eight signatories, representing 17 bank brands improving protection for APP scam victims.


We published our response to the November 2018 consultation, and a further consultation on our draft specific direction for the implementation of Confirmation of Payee.


The final CRM Code was agreed and published by the APP Scams Steering Group, marking a significant step in protecting people from APP scams.



We published our consultation on potential general directions for the implementation of Confirmation of Payee.


The APP Scams Steering Group published the draft CRM Code consultation.


We set up the APP Scams Steering Group, made up of industry and consumer representatives, to develop the Contingent Reimbursement Model (CRM) Code.


We published the outcome of our consultation on the development of a contingent reimbursement model, outlining our intention to set up a steering group to design and implement an industry code for reimbursement of APP scam victims.



We published a paper explaining the work that we, the FCA and the payments industry had done in the last year to reduce the harm to consumers from APP scams. This included a consultation on a contingent reimbursement model. 


We issued our Call for Input asking for views from PSPs to help inform our work on authorised push payment scams.


We published our consultation on the draft Terms of Reference explaining how we intended to consider the potential for payment system operators (PSOs) to play a role in minimising consumer harm caused by APP scams.



We published our formal response to the super-complaint, setting out our main findings and next steps.


Which? submitted its super-complaint to the PSR, calling for banks to better protect customers who are tricked into transferring money to a fraudster.